Moms on the Move
15 Oct/09 0

BC’s cold new direction

BC Columnist Paul Willcocks captures the big picture of what's going on in BC in his latest column - the "social Darwinist" or Libertarian agenda that many believe underlie the BC government's drastic over-reaction to the current economic situation. MCFD Minister Mary Polak, who is leading some of the worst cuts to kids' services, is said to be from the Libertarian wing of her BC Liberal party.
Another key theme is the lack of any apparent impact and risk analysis accompanying the cuts, which would make these actions highly irresponsible.
Filed under: Advocacy News Continue reading
13 Oct/09 1

Cuts, Gaps & Impacts

Provincial Groups Protest Cuts to Children’s Services:

BC FamilyNet and the BC Coalition for People with Disabilities have both written to Minister for Children and Family Development Mary Polak regarding cuts to children’s services.  BC FamilyNet’s letter states:

BC FamilyNet Society, a provincial organization which promotes effective and readily accessible supports and services for people with disabilities and their families, is deeply concerned about the short-sighted elimination of programs which provide invaluable long term benefits to children who face extraordinary challenges, their families, and society as a whole.

2 Oct/09 4

Welcome to MOMS!

Welcome to MOMS, the new Web site of BC's Moms on the Move!